moving foRwaRd with leaRning foRwaRd kansas—Topeka, Kansas, April 8-9, 2014
Breakout Session Descriptions

Leadership Conference
Moving Forward with Learning Forward

The LF KS Leadership Conference offers opportunities to examine whether our professional learning experiences are producing their intended results. A series of breakout sessions will highlight the “best” from Kansas schools as they work toward growing school leadership, mentoring leaders, implementing common core, and bringing best practices into the classroom, with an emphasis on the 5 R’s: Rigor, Relevance, Relationships, Respect, Rapport.

Tuesday, April 8 —
Breakout Session A
Tuesday ∼ 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.

A1Standards-Based Professional Learning: What are the implications for me and my colleagues? Stephanie Hirsh Executive Director, Learning Forward Examine data that signifies the quality of professional learning educators are experiencing, and then chart a path for improving its effectiveness and outcomes. Consider potential of the Standards Assessment Inventory and Innovation Configuration maps in your work. Conference Strand: Rigor

A2Using Formative Assessment Probes in Science, K-8 Charlotte McDonald Education Consultant, Teaching and Learning Consortium Network (TLC) In this session, teachers will learn how formative assessment probes are used to uncover the depth of student understanding about a science topic by way of several of Page Keeley’s practical strategies. Formative assessments are effective resources for uncovering and developing students’ ideas related to the Disciplinary Core Ideas and Performance Expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Once the depth of understanding is uncovered, we will discuss how to use this information to modify instruction. Conference Strand: Rigor

A3New Teaching Practices for New Literacies Curtis Chandler Education Specialist and Staff Developer, ESSDACK 2011 Kansas Teacher of the Year This session will allow participants to experience learning activities designed to developed students’ College and Career Readiness. The session will explore approaches to integrating reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use with other content areas such as math, science, social studies, and the arts. Participants will leave with (1) ready-to-implement literacy activities as well as (2) strategies and guides to assist teachers in their development of future lessons connected to the Common Core. Conference Strand: Relevance

Breakout Session B
Tuesday ∼ 12:45 – 3:30 p.m.

B1Next Generation Science Standards: Rigorous, Relevant, Integrated and Just Plain Fun! Mary Cerny Elementary Science Instructor, Co-Chairman NGSS State Committee This presentation will provide a familiarity of the Next Generation Science Standards document. Participants will gain application ideas and resources while critiquing a lesson designed to provide the rigor, relevance, and integration written into the NGSS. Conference Strand: Rigor

Breakout Session C
Tuesday ∼ 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.

C1Assessing the Impact of Professional Learning Stephanie Hirsh Executive Director, Learning Forward Review strategies for measuring impact as well as determine which strategies to employ depending on the outcomes and the constituents for the information. Bring a professional development strategy or initiative you consider a candidate for evaluation. Conference Strand: Rigor

C2Kansas Educational Leadership Institute (KELI) Donna Augustine-Shaw Assistant Professor, Kansas State University This session will inform participants about KELI’s mission and service to provide mentoring and induction to first-year superintendents and principals in Kansas. KELI’s deep learning opportunities focus on visionary leadership to meet the “relevant” needs for ALL today’s leaders. Conference Strand: Relevance

C3Using Projects to Engage, Inspire, Promote Inquiry and Deepen Understanding Jill Bergerhofter School Improvement Specialist/Mentor, USD 229 Discover how projects can be used to increase students interest and engagement for a deeper learning experience, and serve as an authentic assessment tool where students demonstrate their understanding in more meaningful ways than traditional texts. As the learning shifts to students, teachers become facilitators - providing support and gaining learning through advance planning. Conference Strand: Relevance

C4The Un-Classroom - What Every Teacher Could Do if Lecture Became Illegal Curtis Chandler Education Specialist and Staff Developer, ESSDACK 2011 Kansas Teacher of the Year Lecture has proven to be one of the least successful ways to teach many of today’s students, yet it continues to permeate our classrooms. While education can’t be all fun and games, more of what we do with learners should be. In this session, participants will examine strategies that move classrooms BEYOND LECTURE and in to LEARNING. Participants will leave with ready-to-implement lessons and tools that utilize student engagement, feedback, questioning, student choice and control, kinesthetic activities, critical thinking, problem solving, and other research-based principles to get even our most disenfranchised students learning. Conference Strand: Rigor

Breakout Session D
Tuesday ∼ 2:15 – 3:30 p.m.

D1Core Energy Leadership Tamara Konrade Director of Professional Learning, ESSDACK Tammy Fellers Specialist, ESSDACK Mike Sanders Skyline Superintendent Education is experiencing many changes such as new evaluation systems, standards, assessments, and accreditation systems along with budget constraints. Core Energy Leadership helps leaders approach these changes with an optimistic viewpoint and high efficacy. During this session, participants will learn about the iPEC Core Energy Coaching model that helps all leaders move people from functional to optimal. Coach Centric Leaders are individuals who consciously choose to use their ability to influence and impact others to take purposeful action. Conference Strand: Rapport

D2Engaging Students in the Improvement Process Theresa Corcoran Fifth Grade Teacher, Graber Elementary, USD 308 Hutchinson Sheri Galliart Kindergarten teacher, Graber Elementary, USD 308 Hutchinson Looking for a way to help students track/monitor their own learning? Want to create class enthusiasm for learning/improving and help students remember key concepts over time? This presentation shares a multi-grade level process that builds data-focused classrooms that hold high standards, engage students, restore intrinsic motivation, and lead to increased student achievement. Conference Strand: Rigor

D3Explore the MyLearningPlan Enterprise Suite MyLearningPlan Participants will learn how to leverage MyLearningPlan systems to manage professional learning, performance evaluation, evaluator training/certification/calibration, and online course authoring and learning, with a single integrated suite of tools. The session will include an overview of MLP PDMS, MLP OASYS, MLP Elevate, and MLP OpenPD. Conference Strand: Relevance

Wednesday, April 9 —
Breakout Session E
Wednesday ∼ 8:15 – 11:00 a.m.

E1MyLearningPlan/OASYS User Group Meeting MyLearningPlan Engage in a collaborative conversation with other district leaders who use MyLearning Plan PDMS and/or MyLearningPlan OASYS. We will review recent systems updates, respond to questions, and facilitate cross-district dialogue. (This conversation will be shaped by the questions and topics that come from the group, so this session is only relevant for participants who are currently using one or more MLP products.) Conference Strand: Relevance

E2Getting to the Heart of Understanding Vicki Bechard Secretary, Learning Forward Kansas Consultant, Teaching & Learning Consulting Network, LLC There is a big difference between “knowing” and “understanding”. To be College and Career Ready, students must know why, how, and when to use what they “know and can do” which is the heart of understanding. Participants will uncover the complexities of understanding and acquire ideas to bring knowledge and skills to life. Conference Strand: Relevance

E3 Putting Relationships First: Creating a Leadership Team through Principal-Counselor Collaboration CANCELLED

Breakout Session F
Wednesday ∼ 8:15 – 9:30 a.m.

F1Using the C4 Framework in the 21st Century Social Studies Classroom Glenn Wiebe Social Studies Specialist, ESSDACK Our students need to do more than simply memorize content. They need to be using that content to solve problems and think historically. But what does this look like in the classroom? Glenn will demonstrate the C4 Framework - Collect, Collaborate, Create, Communicate - that can help teachers incorporate Rigor and Relevance into their instruction. Through hands-on activities, session participants will experience a variety of strategies designed to engage students while increasing foundational knowledge and critical thinking skills. Conference Strand: Rigor

F2Confessions of a Math Phobe: Math Practices That Work Earl Martin PDS Director, Emporia State University Research indicates that student attitudes toward mathematics decline as students progress through the school years. This presenter will explore causes of math anxiety and present seven math practices that will transform your class or school toward greater achievement. Conference Strand: Rigor

F3How to use the Professional Learning Standards to Improve Teaching Practices and Student Results Sandee Crowther Executive Director, Learning Forward Kansas Sheri Thomas Past President, Learning Forward Kansas Teacher, USD 342 McLouth Participants will review the seven standards for Professional Learning while learning how these standards can impact their teaching practices to improve student results. They will learn the purpose and key components of each standard and reflect on the standards in the school setting. Conference Strand: Relevance

Breakout Session G
Wednesday ∼ 9:45 – 11:00 a.m.

G1Navigating Complex Change: Organizing for Success Jill Lachenmayr President, Learning Forward Kansas Assistant Superintendent for Academic Affairs, USD 385 Andover Greg Rasmussen Superintendent, USD 385 Andover Learn how educators in Andover are navigating the complex changes associated with the new standards. Using the cycle of continuous improvement to address current practice and plan for the future, we have designed supports to bring about this change. Learn how we have organized the system to facilitate communication, student learning and effective professional learning. You will have a bird’s eye view on the process and procedures that have allowed us to structure, plan, implement and sustain change. Conference Strand: Rigor

G2Helping Students Solve the World’s Woes One Problem At A Time Curtis Chandler Education Specialist and Staff Developer, ESSDACK 2011 Kansas Teacher of the Year The student brain is made to solve problems. So give it problems. In this session, we look at ways for educators to help our students do what video games get them to do -- to experience deep learning through problem spaces and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). In this session, we will look at principles such as real-world relevance, well-order problems, cost of learning, just-in-time learning, learning by doing, and many other principles that are necessities for the 21st Century classroom. Conference Strand: Relevance

G3Application of the Common Core Standards via Interdisciplinary, Inquiry-Based Units Gayla Lohfink Assistant Professor, Wichita State University Dr. Laurie Curtis Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Kansas State University Participants of this presentation will be introduced to model (READ) that can be used to plan an inquiry-based or problem-posing, literacy-rich, interdisciplinary unit to implement the Common Core State Standards. An interdisciplinary model, one which utilizes multicultural literature and increases teachers’ cultural competence by differentiating for student interest and reading ability, will be demonstrated. A handout with an outline of the unit planning process, an example of a text set, and sample instructional/assessment activities will be provided. Conference Strand: Relevance


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